Our primary objective will be to review the overall liquidity risk management process and measure it against guidelines in the "Joint Agency" identified critical elements of a sound liquidity risk management process, as well as, those specified in applicable regulatory handbooks (Example: OCC Handbook of 2012 (Comptroller's Handbook: Safety & Soundness-(L) Liquidity). We will:

  • Review for appropriate corporate governance and active involvement by management.
  • Review for appropriate strategies, policies, procedures, and limits used to manage and control liquidity risk, even in stressed conditions.
  • Review for appropriate liquidity risk measurement and monitoring systems.
  • Review for active management of intraday liquidity and collateral.
  • Determine an appropriately diverse mix of existing and potential future funding sources are maintained.
  • Determine adequate levels of highly liquid marketable securities that can be used to meet liquidity needs in stressful situations without legal, regulatory, or operational impediments.
  • Review the comprehensiveness of contingency funding plans (CFP) sufficient to address potential adverse liquidity events and emergency cash flow needs.
  • Review for adequate internal controls surrounding all aspects of liquidity risk management.